Most people were never actually “taught” how to breathe in the traditional sense. Breathing is an unconscious process that occurs 20,000+ times a day. However, not only does how you breathe affect how you feel, it also plays a critical role in inhaling smoke properly. No one likes choking and coughing every time they smoke, that’s why we’re dedicated to spreading the information you need to learn how to inhale properly – using these techniques will help you cough less and get higher on each hit!
The first thing to investigate is diaphragmatic breathing. Also known as belly breathing or deep breathing, the technique is intended to help you use the diaphragm correctly when inhaling and exhaling. Most people vastly under-use this vital organ! Using diaphragmatic breathing will help your body establish a more controlled breathing process and develop the muscle memory more quickly. There are several exercises you can perform at home until it becomes second nature.
When evaluating whether you find it easy or difficult to inhale smoke correctly, consider where the suction is coming from – are you drawing the smoke into your mouth like a cigar or inhaling the smoke directly into your lungs? Both techniques are correct but they are typically applied to different consumption methods. Regardless of how you like to consume, we’ll help you learn how to smoke correctly.
Draw Into Your Mouth First
When smoking joints, spliffs, or blunts, it is essential that you draw the smoke into your mouth prior to inhaling into your lungs. Doing so helps the rolled cannabis burn more evenly and provides a smoother, more enjoyable hit. The process is similar to smoking a cigar – use your cheeks to draw the smoke into your mouth first. Then, while the smoke is still in your mouth, take a deep breath of fresh air – this will force the dense smoke down into your lungs with a mixture of normal, oxygen-rich air. The result is a smooth, flavorful hit that results in less coughing and irritation due to the inclusion of fresh air.
Inhale Directly Into Lungs
If you’re smoking out of a bowl, bong, or anything with a carb, you can inhale the smoke directly into your lungs. These devises typically require a longer sustained inhalation and benefit from a carb to introduce fresh air in the same breath (rather than having to take a second breath to introduce fresh air as indicated above).
Use a Rhythm, like Yoga
As you begin practicing your diaphragmatic breathing, using a simple 4-2-4 count. Inhale softly for four seconds, pause briefly for two, and exhale gently for four. Repeat this sequence 10 times, 3 times a day to create a new breathing pattern in your subconscious. You can then call it into use every time you smoke.
Add Fresh Oxygen
This part is so important we had to reiterate it again! When smoking, use the last second of inhalation to move the glass, joint, or pen away from your lips and draw fresh oxygen into your lungs on top of the smoke, pushing it deeper into your lungs. The combination of diaphragmatic breathing and stacking oxygen will greatly increase the potency of each hit.
Don’t Hold it Longer
After your two second pause, let the smoke go. There is no need to sit and hold your breath as long as you can to “let the smoke work”. You’ll get the full effect as soon at it enters your lungs. Remember, steady in and steady out.