How to Use Cannabis with Meditation 1

Many have found combining cannabis with meditation can help ease one into a deeper focus and relaxed state during their practice. Below, we discuss the benefits of meditation and which strains of cannabis will help deepen your practice. 

Key Takeaways

  • Studies have shown that a daily meditation practice can be beneficial to your physical and mental health
  • Cannabis interacts with our unique endocannabinoid system to produce a euphoric sensation, making it the perfect tool for reaching a desired state of mind
  • The 10 Best Cannabis Strains for Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation teaches a practitioner to develop presence and a sense of calm around sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Studies have shown that a daily meditation practice can be beneficial to your physical and mental health. Meditation is an ancient art practiced by many around the world to align the energy of body and mind.

Meditation helps relieve stress and anxiety from everyday life and helps focus on inner energy and wellness. The efficiency of this simple practice influences your overall health and wellness. 

cannabis with meditation

A regular meditation practice can improve daily concentration and stress levels. Many have found that a daily practice helps improve mood, sleep, and even sex life. Long term, meditation can also reduce aging by keeping the brain cells refreshed and rejuvenated.  

Cannabis users across the world often share insights on how the plant can also improve overall focus. Certain strains of the cannabis plant can enhance the sensitivity of various functions in the body, which in turn improves focus and relaxation. Together, cannabis and meditation can be a powerful synergy to help deepen your practice reaching a greater state of peace.

Meditation invites us to draw our awareness inward, away from outside distractions, and calm the cluttered waves of the mind. Onlookers might view this as glorified sitting, but to find a real sense of stillness amidst chaos takes a ton of mental control. It challenges us to abandon the inner dialogue that dictates much of our existence and stay present with every breath. That means stop going over the rapidly-accruing to-do list in your mind, let go of tomorrow’s anxieties, and forget about the embarrassing thing you said to your cute coworker last week. Easier said than done, right? That’s where cannabis comes into play and can make all the difference for those struggling to find their zen. In this age of acceptance, the combination of cannabis with mindfulness has become increasingly popular among practitioners. So next time you’re fighting for some peace of mind, consider lighting up before turning down.

cannabis with meditation

In today’s hustle, it’s imperative we take time for a mental reboot every now and again. I’m not talking about margarita therapy or a lavish vacation to the tropics. Meditation is an accessible and healthy way to relieve stress and anxiety while providing relaxation and clarity. When left to their devices, negative thoughts have the power to plague our minds and run rampant with our emotions. Meditation intervenes by shining awareness on the destructive patterns of thought that inhibit our quality of life. This heightened level of consciousness restores control over our emotional state and deepens our sense of self. A regular meditation practice cultivates an internal safe-haven away from the hyper-stimulating world in which we exist. When you’ve got a hundred deadlines or the traffic is unbearable, or you’re just overwhelmed in general, this space of stillness will help take some of the load off.

How Cannabis Supports Meditation

Restoration, mental focus, and stress release are all intimately connected with both cannabis and meditation. It’s no wonder, then, that many are turning to this combination for an enhanced reflective practice. Cannabis interacts with our unique endocannabinoid system to produce a euphoric sensation, making it the perfect tool for reaching a desired state of mind. It’s worth noting that the varying characteristics of cannabinoid profiles should be well-thought-out when choosing to enlighten with marijuana. Mixing a notoriously uplifting or energizing strain with meditation likely won’t bring the tranquil experience you were expecting. It’s wise to explore all the prospects before embarking on your meditative journey. When first integrating cannabis and meditation, we suggest combusting or vaporizing your cannabis as opposed to ingesting it. That’s because consumption methods that involve inhalation make it easier to control dosage and intensity. We’ll go over specific strain recommendations, below, as those should be chosen in conjunction with the type of meditation you intend to practice.

Methods for Meditation


Find a strain that promotes focus and concentration to help keep your sights set during a gazing meditation. Centering on a fixed object over a length of time encourages wandering thoughts to pass without attachment. Maybe for you, it’s a flickering flame or perhaps a rippling body of water that can naturally draw you into a trance. Settle your attention on whatever brings a full-body sense of calm and allows the waves of the mind to slowly dissipate.


When we’re physically and mentally relaxed, the body reflects this sensation as deeply rejuvenating breaths. Alternately, when we’re in a state of fear or panic, breathing becomes shallow and rapid. This physical translation of emotions has a profound impact on our overall well-being, which is why many use breathwork to regain control. An uplifting strain with the ability to suppress anxiety best serves the purpose of harnessing the power of the breath.

Body Awareness

For some, calming the mind is a piece of cake, while sitting still is the most challenging aspect of meditation. This stationary form of reflection empowers us to facilitate an inner conversation with the body, observe areas of tension, and mindfully allow them to relax. An indica-dominant strain that delivers a thick body high without dulling the mind puts us right where we need to be for the physical release of collected stress.

10 Best Cannabis Strains for Meditation

Whether you are just starting a meditation practice or looking to deepen yours, cannabis can be a powerful aid in promoting inner calmness. The 10 best cannabis strains for meditation can help bring a sense of clarity, concentration, and deeper focus each time you tap into your meditation practice.

cannabis with meditation

Granddaddy Purple

This strain is a famous Indica-dominant variety from the fields of California. It is a hybrid between Big Bud and Purple Urke with a high concentration of THC. The total THC content of the strain ranges between 17–23 percent, which is highly effective in creating an intense high to promote relaxation and improve focus. Granddaddy Purple is known to help shut down external white noise and keep one’s mind more in sync with internal thoughts. This strain is known to create a feeling of euphoria in patients and can help elevate their mood.

Oregon Lemons

The soothing flavors of lemongrass and green tea from this strain are among the various characteristics that make it appropriate to aid your meditation practice. It is a balanced hybrid that creates a tantalizing effect on the mind. The strain is intense on the body and mind while providing a satisfying high. The smooth and relaxing flavors of the strains when paired with the earthy tones of the plant cause a calming effect that guides you into meditation efficiently.

Lamb’s Bread

Lamb Kush is the hybrid strain that carries the perfect balance of relaxation from Indica and stimulation from Sativa. Lamb’s Bread counters the overwhelming feeling of some varieties such as the Hindu Kush and offers a balanced high that is deep. The origin of Lamb Kush can be traced back to Jamaica and is one of the highly preferred choices for yogis. The earthy aroma from this strain triggers a sense of euphoria almost immediately. It helps enhance sensitivity to movement while bringing peace and tranquillity.


MARS OG is the right strain to assist you in a journey of self-discovery. This Indica-dominant strain helps the consumer find a sense of grounding. The variety creates a comfortable space internally and the high brings a soothing presence. This strain comes with the aroma of pepper with undertones of citrus and herbs. Be prepared to feel a heavy body buzz.

White Widow

White Widow is one of the most popular varieties among cannabis users from across the globe. White Widow offers a rather clear and energetic head high. This strain is usually used by artists to enhance creativity and energy to focus. This strain is a great option to help a consumer connect with their purpose. It can make one feel grounded and increase the sensitivity of one’s senses.

Northern Lights

Northern Lights is a popular Indica strain for those looking for a way to relax their bodies and minds efficiently. The strain helps create a sense of euphoria in its users almost immediately. It also helps relieve stress and elevates focus while meditating. Northern Lights is the best strain for relieving stress-related problems and mental illnesses.


If you’re looking for a strain to help stop racing thoughts and promote inner peace, then Lavender is the best choice for you. The Indica-dominant strain offers ample health benefits as opposed to an intense cerebral high. The strain is light on your body and helps concentration. The Lavender strain is a great choice for beginners looking to start incorporating cannabis into meditation or yoga. Patients suffering from mental health conditions such as ADHD often look to this strain for improvement in their condition.

Hindu Kush

The Hindu Kush strain is yet another favorite among cannabis consumers that has an unmatchable effect. The pure earthy aroma of the strain pairs with its incredible health benefits, making it a potent strain for aiding meditation. The variety contains about 18 percent THC content and is a pure Indica strain with the sweet notes of sandalwood, pine, and citrus.