What Is A Cannabis Sublingual? 1

Edibles, vaporizers, joints, bongs. I’m sure you’ve heard just about all of these ways of consuming cannabis before. But there’s something new on the horizon that people are starting to take interest in — cannabis sublingual. Some of these cannabis sublinguals come in dissolvable strips while others are in a spray form. 

Sublingual strips, similar to those minty breath strips are a form of cannabis edible that dissolve directly under the tongue. While some of these strips do have flavors such as peppermint or watermelon, most will carry a strong natural cannabis flavor. On the other hand, cannabis sublinguals can come in the form of a tiny spray bottle which a few sprays equal the proper dosing. 

Cannabis sublinguals are gaining popularity for cannabis users who prefer discreet and portable methods to consume. This form is also gaining popularity among people who prefer not to smoke or vape but want a product that acts fast. 

What exactly is a Cannabis Sublingual?

Consumers have been eager to try new methods of consumption since technology and extraction methods have been getting better. Cannabis Sublinguals have been one way to consume in particular that has been gaining traction because of how discreet and quickly accessible they are. 

Whether in strip form or spray, when consumed the product is absorbed by the oral mucosal membranes located directly under the tongue. Rather than waiting to get absorbed by the digestive system, these membranes provide a straight route for cannabis to enter your circulatory system. Cannabis sublinguals dissolve within seconds and can be felt immediately. 

One of our favorite cannabis sublingual products is the Swift CBD spray which offers the convenience of portable and discreet dosing without sacrificing control over each dose. Imagine spritzing a few pumps of the spray into your mouth and instantly feeling its effects. It’s like a breath spray that actually gives you relief instead of fresh breath on the spot!

How exactly do cannabis sublinguals work?

Cannabis sublinguals work through buccal administration. Tiny-infused cannabis strips or spray are placed directly onto a consumer’s tongue. The particles then interact with the oral mucosal membranes in the mouth and immediately dissolve when they come into contact with saliva. 

The cannabinoids enter the circulatory system because they are directly absorbed by the  sublingual artery. The unfiltered THC then travels to the brain through the artery.

The travel time from the tongue to the brain is pretty short. The sublingual absorption bypasses the conventional route of regular edibles by traveling through the stomach, liver, and lungs before reaching the bloodstream. This instant onset of effect is why some people are looking into incorporating cannabis sublinguals for instant relief. 

The digestive system also removes some cannabinoids when processed through the body. This is another reason why cannabis sublinguals might be a better option than some edibles as you get more of the full plant. 

How Effective Are Cannabis Sublinguals?

Ingesting edibles such as brownies, gummy bears or any other traditional cannabis goodies must pass through the  digestive system before entering the bloodstream. The effect can take upwards of 3+ hours to feel their full effect.

Edibles are also quite unpredictable. Not all edibles are created equal and not always can have the perfect timing of effect. Many factors that influence how you process and consume cannabinoids such as metabolism, food intake, and sleep cycle can greatly affect the timing of an edible. 

By dissolving cannabis sublinguals directly onto your tongue this bypasses the digestive system allowing the cannabinoids to enter directly into the bloodstream. Rather than wait the three hours, now you only have to wait about 15 minutes. Sublingual absorption of cannabis has a rapid onset. The 15 minutes from absorption is the next fastest way to get high next to inhalation. Even better, now you don’t have to attract attention with smell or smoke that comes with smoking or vaping.

In terms of  bioavailability, sublingual absorption is 75 percent, smoking or vaping has around 30 percent, and traditional edibles are variable at 12 percent. So, it is clear that cannabis sublinguals far outperform its contemporaries. This shows that cannabis sublinguals are likely to give you the same experience in every use unlike other edibles.  

However, the effect wears off faster than traditional edibles which can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your needs. 

How to Use Cannabis Sublinguals?

The right way of using cannabis sublinguals ar to place directly onto your tongue and keep your mouth closed for about five minutes. This allows the dissolved material to be absorbed by your bloodstream and not be washed down into your digestive system. If you swallow it like a traditional edible, it will pass through the digestive system and will take time before you can feel the effect.

If you miss getting the cannabis sublinguals into contact with the sublingual membrane this will weaken its effects. The same holds true if you use it like chewing gum, washing it down instantly with saliva. 

An option is to place the sublingual strip against the side of your cheek. The outcome is a slower in effect but more smooth and tends to last longer. Sometimes the effect takes longer to kick in, avoid the temptation of using another strip or spray to speed up the process!

The Pros and Cons of Cannabis Sublinguals


  • Good alternative for patients who do not want to swallow a pill or eat a sugary edible. 
  • Effects are faster than oral administration.
  • Improved bioavailability since it does not pass through the digestive system. 
  • Dissolves into the buccal cavity without liquid. 
  • Discreet. 
  • Alternative to smoking or vaporizing.
  • CBD cannabis sublinguals help with a range of conditions.


  • Not suitable for long-term administration. 
  • May interfere with talking, eating, and drinking.
  • Can have a unpleasant or bitter taste. 
  • Slower onset than smoking.
  • Effects diminish faster than edibles. 

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